Beautiful beginnings - a waldorf playgroup

We offer weekly sessions during term time on

Mondays 9.15am to 11.15pm £7 includes lunch
(discounts are available for siblings)

The Beehive, Cringle Park, Levenshulme M19 2QP.

​Please book through or click on the link below to pay online.

Beautiful Beginnings is for children birth to 2 years and their carers/parent/grandparents.

It's a Waldorf inspired, facilitator-led group which parents help out at and support by singing, making craft items, outdoor practical support. Refreshments and crafts offered.

Children who attend Beautiful Beginnings Groups usually transition smoothly into our Apple Blossom Kindergarten (Tuesday-Friday 8.30am-5pm term time, soon to be Monday to Friday from Easter 2024).

Book your place BY CLICKING ON the GROUP picture below

07790368117 - Mary if you have any questions


Book your place BY CLICKING ON the GROUP picture below

07790368117 - Mary if you have any questions


enquire about our parent and child group sessions